
AN INNOVATIVE PROJECT  Hi! Now I am working on an innovative project! My group and I are creating a project that could be implemented in a secondary school classroom. The main aim of it is to motivate our students when learning English and to make them aware of the importance of learning languages, specially English.  We are really excited and soon you could hear about it!!!
LEARNING TO BE CREATIVE: BONO'S HATS Today we have done in class the test about Bono's hats in which each colour hat has to do with a different kind of thinking.  My result for the test has been the blue hat! So this means that I and a thinking person.
THEORIES OF LEARNING In this task, we have to write a tweet making a summary of one of the theories of learning. This is my tweet: 
MOTIVATION GRAPH In this graph, I will show how motivated I am at the beginning, middle and at the end of a lesson. 
PROBLEMS WE HAD WHEN WE WERE AT SCHOOL  AND SOLUTIONS This has been a group activity in which we should state one problem we had when we were at school and a solution for that problem.  THE PROBLEM: DISPOSITION OF THE CLASSROOM A problem commonly found in every classroom is that of desk arrangement. Nowadays, students are encouraged to work in groups in order to develop skills such as communicative competence, cooperation and interaction among many others. Nevertheless, it is a fact that classroom arrangement is not suitable for these types of activities and therefore we lose an enormous amount of time rearranging the classroom to adapt it to the activities' aim. SOLUTION This is our proposal for the problem. In our view, this desk arrangement benefits students in several ways. It would not only allow pupils to work in groups but also they will be able to work individually when needed. Moreover, thanks to this organization students will be able to f
KRASHEN'S CONTRADICTIONS Today, I am going to talk about some of the contradictions that I have found in Krashen's theory. But, first of all, I would like to present his main ideas:  Learners must acquire a second language in the same way children learn their first.  We acquire a second language when we understand messages. The emphasis should be on meaningful interactions.  Getting the right level is crucial. Comprehensible input needs to be at the right level, which is "1 + 1".  Acquisition decreases if we are under stress or experience anxiety. Children learn more easily because their anxiety rate is lower.  Grammar cannot be explained. Students can only notice grammar and once it is internalized, the students draw upon a repertoire of acquired language.  The grammar & vocabulary of a language can only be acquired in a natural way/sequence. Unless students are ready, they won't acquire them.  From my point of view, there are two points i
GROUP PRESENTATION  HOW TO WRITE EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM MATERIALS The main aim of this presentation was to do a 20 minutes lesson in which we should present our students (classmates) the teacher and trainer Rachael Roberts and her conference about how to write effective classroom materials.  The lesson was structured in three main parts. The first minutes were dedicated to present the central ideas through a Prezi presentation. The second activity was a Kahoot which provided students with some of the vocabulary and knowledge needed for the main task. And finally, we did the main activity which consists in creating a youtube video such as a haul or a make up tutorial. In this way, students had to prepare the video in groups and then they had to perform and record it. After that, they had to upload the video in a Facebook Group ("How to write effective classroom materials?") which was created for this lesson. At the end, we watched all the videos and students voted